1. Sinuga siin ja praegu (Here and Now with You); Kaija Maria ja Lari Junkkari (psychology)
2. Omada või olla (To Have or To Be); Erich Fromm (philosophical wisdom of living)
3. Armastamise kunst (The Art of Loving); Erich Fromm (wisdom of living)
4. Loov visualiseerimine (Creative Visualisation); Shakti Gawain (wisdom of living)
5. Mõttejõud õnne ja heaolu teenistuses (Power Thinking: For Happiness and Well-being); Caterina Rando (wisdom of living)
6. Nutt ja jonnihood (Tears and Tantrums); Aletha J. Solter (understanding children)
7. Iseendale (Meditations); Marcus Aurelius (philosophy)
8. Igapäevaoskused (People Skills); Robelt Bolton (communication skills)
9. Tark lapsevanem (Smart Parent); Thomas Gordon (communication skills)
10. Armastus, meditsioon ja imed (Love, Meditation and Miracles); Bernie Siegel (psychology)
11. Pistke nahka see konn (Eat That Frog!); Brian Tracy (wisdom of living)
12. Muutumised (Transformations); Esa Saarinen (philosophy of living)
13. Saad kõik, millest loobud (Get Everything That You Gave Up); Tommy Helsten (wisdom of living)
14. Vabanemine teadmatusest (Escape from Ignorance); Gunnar Aarma
15. Pole vett, pole kuud (No Water, No Moon); Osho (Zen philosophy)
16. Esoteeriline psühholoogia (Esoteric Psychology); Osho (Zen philosophy)
17. Mälestused, unenäod, mõtted (Memories, Dreams, Reflections); Karl Gustav Jung (brain tickling)
18. Siin ja praegu: kohaloleku jõud (The Power of Now); Echart Tolle (philosophy of living)
19. Kuidas lõdvestuda (Learn to Relax); Mike George (a good creativity raiser)
20. Tühi peegel (The Empty Mirror); (philosophy); Jan Willem van de Wettering
21. Risk olla elus (Risking Being Alive); James Oldham et al. (psychology)
22. Uus maailm (A New Earth); Echart Tolle (philosophy of living)
23. Elamise tähtsus (The Importance of Living); Lin Yutang (philosophy of living)
24. Olemise talumatu kergus (The Unbearable Lightness of Being); Milan Kundera (beautiful work on philosophy of life)
25. Tuhat päeva Veneetsias (Thousand Days in Venice), Marlena De Blasi (or how to create beauty and find love)
26. Viis inimest, keda kohtad taevas (The Five People You Meet in Heaven), Mitch Albom, (philosophical food for thought)
27. LR 2007/1-2, Peregrina päevik (Peregrina Diary), Tiina Sepp (adorable travelogue from an adorable person)
28. Budism igapäevaelus – meelerahu teejuht (Everyday Buddhism – A Guide to Peace of Mind); Vajragupta (basics of meditation)
29. NEW! Naiseks olemise kunst (The Art of Being a Woman), Katrin Saali Saul (must read!)
30. Ehe Õnn (Authentic Happiness); Martin Seligman (well-readable approach to the theory and studies of happiness with an opportunity of self-analysis)
31. Eluülesanded – kuidas uurida oma eluküsimusi ja otsida lahendusi olukordadele (Life Tasks – How to Investigate You Life Tasks and Seek Solutions to Life Situations); Armen Tõugu and Martti Tiidelepp
32. Laste seksuaalkasvatus (The Sexual Health of Children); Raisa Cacciatore (very crisp approach to child development)
33. Aitaja vari (Helper’s Shadow); Martti Lindqvist (for those who work with people)
34. Nõustamisoskus (Counselling Skills); John McLeod
1.Poogen (living poetry environment)
2.Esasaarinen (worthy acts by a good man)
3.Rajaleidja (career information)
4.Karjaaripõld (good career counsellors!)
5.Litokeskus (fun place for art lovers)
6.Ted (worthy video lectures)
7.Inspiratsioon (cool ideas)
8.Dreamminder(letter to yourself)
9.Hooandja (help to boost creativity)